

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Update March 10, 2013

Let's see, where did we leave off?  The birth of Joshua Grant.  Jason and I made a quick trip to Egleston on Friday morning to participate in rounds with Alli's care team in the CICU.  Once we finished, we headed over to Piedmont to welcome our new bundle of joy in to the world.  Joshua was born via c-section at 12:25 pm.  He weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  As is sometimes the case with c-section births Joshua took a big gulp of amniotic fluid on his way out and needed some time to clear it out of his lungs.  So, he spent some time hanging out in the transitional nursery until he was able to clear it out and breathe more normally.  He has been in the room with me ever since.  We have been doing a lot of sleeping and eating.  My mom has been staying with us at night and has been a great help in getting Joshua settled and back to sleep after nursing.  Samantha has been able to visit and hold Josh every day.  She corrects anyone who calls him by a name other than Joshua.  It is pretty cute. Below is a video of her holding him for the first time.

Alli has been well cared for at Egleston.  Jason has been going back and forth between the hospitals to spend time with me and Josh, as well as Alli.  Things took a turn for her today.  We had hoped she would be able to be extubated, however, they have been struggling to regulate her hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.  After trying a number of therapies they did a CT Scan today and found a hematoma in her brain.  Jason called me to report the finding and to let me know that she needed surgery right away.  They took her back this afternoon and she made it through the surgery.  They were able to remove the clot as well as to cauterize some other areas in the brain that were bleeding.  The hematoma was likely caused by the heparin they gave her to help with the blood clot in her leg.  They will now be monitoring her in the PICU instead of the CICU.  She will be followed by the neurosurgeon and they will continue to consult with cardiology regarding the treatments she was receiving in the CICU.  The neurosurgeon feels confident that she could make a good recovery.  Please say some extra prayers for her over the coming days.  They removed a piece of her skull to help with the swelling.  It will be reattached once they feel confident that the swelling is no longer an issue.

Everyone else has been doing fine.  I am recovering from surgery.  3 surgeries in 3.5 years has definitely taken its toll and this one has been a little slower, but I am feeling stronger every day.  My mom and dad have been a huge help with Samantha and keeping things together at the house.  Linda went back to Miami today, before the situation with Alli arose.  It was so nice to have her here when Josh was born and she was able to spend some quality time with Samantha and Alli throughout the week.

We will keep you posted on Alli's status as it continues to evolve.  Thanks for all of the extra prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. You have our continued prayers, love and support. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
