

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Continued Improvement

Alli had her CT Scan this morning.  The neurosurgeon confirmed that there was no fluid and was able to remove the drain from her head.  He also commented that the scan looked as they expected, which is good.  They didn't find evidence of a stroke.  We will follow up at some point with the MRI to take a closer look at the brain to determine whether or not there is any brain damage.

They have weaned Alli off of her IV medications and they removed her arterial line.  Her room is much emptier now that they have cleared our her pumps.

When the respiratory therapist suctioned Alli this morning she coughed twice.  This is significant because it indicates that she has a gag reflex.

So, overall, things continue to improve.  They continue to work with her on weaning from the ventilator.  They have also started to wean down her methodone and valium.


  1. So glad to read this. We are bombarding God with our prayers :). Miss you!!

  2. Way to go Allie! So glad she is making strides Megan!
