

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Update Day Two

Today was much less eventful than yesterday, but much more informative.  Alli slept quite a bit throughout the day.  I think she was pretty worn out from yesterday's festivities.  Today was primarily focused on EEG monitoring.  I pushed the red button a handful of times for suspicious events.  I was able to speak with the doctor about some of them this afternoon. 

We experimented with reducing the dosage on one of Alli's medications.  I would say based on what I saw that we will be returning to our original dose tomorrow, but we'll see what the doctor says.

We spent some time talking about Alli's MRI.  Her scan came back better than he expected, based on her history.  There is some evidence of the impact of the vigabatrin in the scan, primarily as it relates to some of the fluid in the brain.  Those levels can fluctuate.  The microhemmorages that have been picked up on both scans he feels are insignificant to her overall neurological picture. 

I don't think we are going to get a good long range picture while we are here.  The doctor feels it is too early to tell what her neurological picture will be further on down the road.  So, we'll just have to be patient.

Otherwise, there have been lots of texts, emails, facebook posts, etc. of support.  All of which are very much appreciated.  We are accomplishing a lot by being here.  So, thank you for the love, prayers, and support!

In other news, Snickers had surgery today to remove several cysts.  His breed is prone to having them.  They will be sent off for biopsy.  Jason reports that he was an excellent patient and has been full of pep throughout his recovery.

Samantha is doing well.  She had an impromptu play date this afternoon with her friend, Gabriela Elisa.  The pictures suggest she had a fun time full of tea parties, good food, and great company.  Many thanks to Gabriela's family for helping us out in a pinch!

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