

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rehab Week 2

Alli continued to make good progress at rehab this past week.  Each of her therapists is encouraged by how well she has responded.

In physical therapy Alli continues to do work in the stander and spends time on the mat working on rolling, supported sitting, and head and trunk control.

In occupational therapy Alli is working on visually attending to the work of her hands and grasping at objects of interest.  So far she finds her oxygen and feeding tubes to be of greatest interest.  We have to keep a close eye on her :)

In speech Alli worked very hard to prepare for her swallow study, which was on Wednesday.  Her swallow study shows that she silently aspirates thin liquids, therefore, for now she can have thickened liquids (thickened to nectar consistency) and purees.  We have been working with her a little each day on oral feeding.  It is a slow process, but she is hanging in there with us.

Unfortunately Alli suffered a setback toward the end of the week and broke her leg.  We are not exactly sure how it broke, however, her xray indicates that she has some degree of osteopenia, which is a precursor to osteoporosis and makes her bones very fragile.  We will be following up with a dexa scan to better understand what areas are most sensitive.  A number of things have contributed to this including the massive amount of steroids she received in the treatment of her infantile spasms, as well as the amount of time she has spent bedridden and unable to bear weight on her bones to help make them stronger.  We are thankful that the doctors were able to identify the source of her pain.  It was a frustrating ordeal trying to figure out what was causing her discomfort but, because were in the hospital, we were able to determine this much faster than if we had been at home.  Hopefully now we will be able to take some extra precautions to help ensure this doesn't happen again.  Alli has a bright purple full leg cast and thanks to some painkillers was back at work today for all three scheduled therapies.  She is such a trooper!

Monday is Alli's 2nd birthday.  Unbelievable!  We will be celebrating with cake and ice cream at the hospital this year.

In other news...Joshua started rolling over from his tummy to his back this past week and is screeching up a storm!  It makes me laugh because he screeches and squeals and laughs at himself.  He is so sweet.  He is with me at the hospital almost every day and tags along to therapy.  I do it partly to practice for what it will be like at home with him and Alli and partly because I just like to have him with me.  He soothes my soul.

Samantha is in heaven with Grandpa John.  They have been busy flying kites, eating out at their favorite restaurants (Willy's and Goldberg's), and playing outside.  Samantha usually lounges in the pool while my dad helps us keep up with the yard work.  Quite a sight.  She comes to the hospital at dinner and enjoys practicing her putt putt skills on the putting green in the courtyard.  They also have a great playscape that she enjoys.  She keeps busy with her nannies, Megan and Nicole in the afternoons.  Megan is here Mon-Weds and Nicole is here Thurs and Fri.  They have very distinct personalities, so it is a nice change of pace for Samantha.  We continue to take her to the library every week.  She enjoys reading while she is there and exchanging her books.

Ok - off to bed - well, probably will catch up on the Real Housewives of Orange County - then off to bed :)  Goodnight!

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