Joshua celebrated his 6 week birthday on Friday. He continues to do well. He is bringing his hands to his mouth and no longer appreciates the tight swaddle. He likes to move his arms a good bit and keep them up by his face while he is sleeping. His sleeping has been a little off and on, but I attribute that to a little growth spurt.
Samantha continues to keep us on our toes. Yesterday she informed me that she was the queen of the household and that Meggie (her nanny) is the king. We'll let her believe that for a little while, although Jason informed her that he was the king of everything at dinner last night. She seemed ok with that. She also informed me that she lives on the Planic Earth. There must have been some discussion at school or at home regarding Earth day :) She has become much more expressive about her feelings. She tells me when she misses Alli and Jason and we talk about that for a little while. Sunday night she came downstairs after I had put her to bed and told me she didn't like being upstairs alone, so Josh and I went upstairs and now I try to make sure I am upstairs more at night. She also loves to sing showtunes. We have reduced her tv time and increased her pandora radio time. So, now I catch her singing Let's Go Fly a Kite and Do-Re-Mi around the house. It is also a stitch to listen to her sing Supercalafragilisticexpealidocious around the house.
So, for now, please continue to keep Alli in your prayers. As of this afternoon she is starting to show some improvement and it would be great if we could avoid reintubating her.
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